Olivier wrote for DMAD: Two months with DMAD


Hello, I am Olivier Eikelenboom. 

I am from the Netherlands and I study at a University of Applied Sciences called Van Hall Larenstein in Leeuwarden. Here I study the course coastal marine management. 
Since 7 september, I have joined DMAD in Montenegro to get more experience about doing research on dolphins and public outreach. I have stayed with DMAD for two months. During these two months I have experienced so many amazing things. 
During my stay with DMAD I learned how to do land surveys with the theodolite, which was quite difficult in the beginning, but got the hang of it at the end. Even though we did not see a lot of dolphins it was very fun to do. I also learned how to do Photo-ID using Discovery. I think Photo-ID is very interesting and Discovery makes it even better.
Not only did I do research I also did public outreach, which I enjoyed so much as well. So I gave three presentations in Montenegro. Two of the presentations I give in the Arcadia Academy, the school of Doga (Aylin her son). This was really nice, because the kids were really fun and interested in what I had to say. The last presentation was given to a Turkish school and that was online. 
To end this, I want to thank everyone that I have met during my stay here, so Aylin, Selina and Doga. 
Thanks to all the DMAD team, you rock!