Scientist for a Day

Holiday in Montenegro and want to Watch Dolphins?
Come Join the Team:

Become a Scientist for a Day.


Why become a Scientist for a Day?

More than 70% of our planet is actually blue and more than 96% of all water on our blue planet is being held by our oceans and seas. Oceans are also our earth’s lungs and more than 75% of the oxygen we breathe comes from them. Which makes oceans greatly important for the conservation of our planet, our flora and fauna and, most of all, ourselves.
Dolphins are one of the “marine engineers of the oceans and therefore they are a key species. When you come on a Dolphin watch tour with us, you can be assured the proper guidelines are followed, consequently you are booking a responsible Dolphin watch tour and you are supporting our NGO in it’s Research and Conservation efforts.

Become a Citizen-Scientist for a Day and join our team of researchers, either during a boat or land survey to support our research and conservation actions in Montenegro. 

Your participation means everything and will include:

  • Learning about the underwater life of dolphins and the threats they are facing in the fragile coastline of Montenegro.
  • Becoming a scientist or an observer for a day by collecting data under the supervision of our research team.
  • Supporting wildlife research and conservation efforts of a non-governmental organisation.
  • Enjoying the crystal clear waters of Montenegro with breathtaking views of the majestic coastline.
  • A short presentation on Montenegro Dolphin Research and your role in the land or boat surveys. 

Boat Survey

  • From 60 Euro per person*
  • Will last 3-5 hours
  • Boka Kotorska Bay or Budva Landing
  • 6-8 people capacity
  • Includes introduction pack
  • Includes transportation from Pelagic office to boat and back.

Land Survey

  • 30 Euro per person*
  • Will last 1-3 hours
  • Rosa or Veridge Survey Station
  • up to 6 people capacity
  • Includes introduction pack
  • Includes transportation from Pelagic office to Station and back.


All surveys are dependent on:

  • Weather conditions
  • Capacity
  • Availability Researchers
  • And prizes are susseptible to change
For more information please contact us.
* All payments will go to Pelagic Dolphin Tours.