Adriatic Sea

Collecting baseline knowledge for unknown areas

Some areas of the Adriatiac are well-researched and have been so for many years (Italy, Croatia, Slovenia), however Montenegro and Albania were without significant survey effort before DMAD arrived in 2016. We began a continuous survey effort in Montenegro and to date have completed more than 500 land surveys and more than a hundred boat surveys. In 2018 we developed the Southern Adriatic Network for Cetaceans, Elasmobranchs and Turtle strandings (SANCET) and also collaborated with the Agricultural Univeristy of Tirana to extend our survey efforts into Northern Albania. Click on an image to learn more!

Montenegro Dolphin Research

Where Science and Outreach collide

Montenegro Sightings Network

Established to collect dolphin sightings from citizen scientists across Montenegro's coast and waters.

Keep An Eye

Helping to coordinate strandings efforts in the Southern Adriatic

Albania Dolphin Research

Beginning to understand the unknown