Introducing a new partner: Ege Marin

DMAD would like to thank Ege Marin for their ongoing support of our Giant Guardians of the Deep Seas Project.

Studying the critical habitats of Sperm Whales and Cuvier’s Beaked Whales in the Levantine Sea, our Giant Guardians of the Deep Seas Project seeks to establish population statuses, main threats and conservation measures of these key species. By incorporating both scientific research and conservation DMAD hopes to implement a Marine Protected Area in the Levantine Sea, which will play a vital role in protecting marine megafauna – our Giant Guardians of the Deep Seas!
This vital work would not be possible without the collaboartion and support of local partners, and DMAD is incredibly grateful to Ege Marin for their contribution to our work!
For more information about this project, please follow DMAD’s instagram page and read more here