Ever wondered what sort of project our interns get up to? Bettie shares her experiences.
Hi all! My name is Bettie and I study agro- and biotechnology (animal care) in Ghent. As I’m currently in my third-year bachelor I’m writing a thesis. For my thesis I’m investigating the effect of marine traffic on the bottlenose dolphin before COVID and during COVID-19. Which means I need to collect more data for the part during COVID. So, this week we were on an extra land-survey at Rose and like always the surveys require patience. Suddenly, we saw some dolphins splashing at the surface and it gave us a boost of energy, which was good, because they were playing around with us and we followed them at least for 2 hours! Thus, it was not one of the most relaxing and easy surveys we had before, but it was more than worth it because we learnt a lot!