Dolphins’ presentation for the NVO Nasa akcija / NGO Our Action in Tivat, Montenegro
Our DMAD Team in Montenegro were invited by the NVO Nasa akcija / NGO Our Action to realize a presentation about cetaceans in the City Hall of Tivat, Montenegro.
First, our interns prepared an activity with all the participants in which the idea was to learn about some marine animals by imitating them according to their movements or sounds. Then, after having everyone attention, Claudia and Laura, interns of DMAD, were in charge of leading the presentation. First, they talked about the two big groups of cetaceans, some characteristics of species that can be found here in Montenegro like the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), and current threats that are affecting their populations. Subsequently, they highlighted the importance of dolphins for marine ecosystems and why cetaceans research realize by DMAD is important for the conservation of marine mammals. Last but not least, they invited all the participants to follow our social media for more information about current encounters we are having in our surveys and future activities. Also, the participants were encouraged of becoming “citizen scientists” by sending to us pictures of the sightings they may have in the future with cetaceans with some extra information like date and time, coordinates of the sighting place, and number of individuals.