On the 17th of May 2024, we organized our first “Wildlife Photography Competition”. We recieved many pictures from kids and teenagers. Now, we are pleased to announce our Youth Wildlife Photography Competition winners!
We were thrilled to see such a high level of enthusiasm and creativity among the students who participated🦎⛰. Each submission showcased a unique perspective on the beauty of nature, and we were truly impressed by the talent and dedication displayed by the applicants. We believe that every participant deserves recognition for their efforts, therefore we have compiled a photography e-book featuring all submissions from the competition, this can be viewed using the following links:
English: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/36e36985d2.html
Montenegrin: https://heyzine.com/flip-book/08a24923e0.html
🐬🐋 Together, we can make a meaningful difference in protecting our planet and its precious wildlife!
We express our graditute to one of our volunteers Alice Milner for organizing this successfull and amazing photography competition! We would like to thank her for setting up the contest, getting in contact with schools, making the photobook and all other affairs surroundings thıs contest