A week in the eyes of our interns: Jolien

Jolien, an intern on placement with us, shares her experiences from last week

Last week we were stationed at Lustica Bay. As usual we prepared the theodolite, filled in the environmentals and started looking through the binoculars. It was my first time on this station so I was really amazed by the view. We just changed positions and I took the binocular to start my search for some dolphins, not really expecting to see any. Right on that moment I saw him, the first dolphin ever spotted by DMAD at Lustica Bay! I got enormously excited but also stressed at the same time because everything need to happen correct and structured. I felt really honored to be the first person to see one in the bay. 

“Later that week we had the first boat survey since I arrived so I was really curious about how it would all work out. The road to the bay where the boat was stationed was already beautiful so my day couldn’t get stuck anymore. Once we got on the boat, the view got even nicer because we could see the whole bay from it! We sailed all the way op to the Bay of Kotor, unfortunately without seeing dolphins. I think they hid for the enormous fog that came over us on the sea. Going back to the bay was a great adventure because we couldn’t see more than 10 m in front of us! Once back safe on the mainland I realized that this week was full of surprises and even tho we didn’t see dolphins on the water that day, I will never forget about it because waw, what an adventure was that!